
Takuji Ando
Born in Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture, this artist began their career while still in university. In 2010, they moved to Paris and began creating works of art, curating exhibitions, and even managing sales all within the context of their solo exhibitions. They also continued their musical activities in galleries and museums. After returning to Japan in 2015, they wanted to pursue art activities in connection with nature, and so they renovated their grandparents’ old traditional Japanese house and moved there with their family. While exploring a sustainable lifestyle, they drew inspiration from nature and have since been engaged in art activities both domestically and internationally.
ありがたい念仏も聞く耳のない馬には無意味だという意味だが、出典となったのは、李白の「馬耳東風」という言葉で、東風(春風)が吹いても首を横に振るばかりの馬を、高尚な思想の理解できない大衆に例えた皮肉である。だが春風を感じない馬など存在するのだろうか? 動物の勘は鋭く、自然の微かな変化も決して見逃すことはなく、自然の節理と共にあるからだ。 現代の春風は、花粉や、黄砂、放射性物質、ウイルスを伴いやってくる。 東風はますます強く吹き付け、いつの日か私たちを射るかもしれない。
はたして馬も聞かない念仏に真の価値があると言い切れるのだろうか? 東風に晒されるのは李白であり、私たちでもあるのだ。
East Wind
There is a saying in Japanese which goes, “Nenbutsu to a horse’s ear.” It means that even if you recite sacred Buddhist chants, they are meaningless to a horse that cannot hear them. This phrase originated from a line in a poem by the Chinese poet Li Bai, which compares a horse that does not react to the spring breeze (or “dongfeng” in Chinese) to the unenlightened masses who cannot appreciate profound thoughts. However, is there truly a horse that cannot feel the spring breeze? Animals possess acute senses and never miss the slightest changes in nature, living in harmony with its rhythms. In modern times, the spring breeze comes with pollen, yellow sand, radioactive materials, and viruses. The east wind blows stronger than ever, and one day, it may strike us. Can we really claim that reciting Buddhist chants to a horse that cannot hear them has any true value? Li Bai was exposed to the east wind, just like we are.
- (2021)音像絵句 ギャラリーあるかぶる, 東京都
- (2020)位相の逆転 セバイシ, 豊田市
- (2013)PILIALOHA R base cafe, 名古屋市
- (2012)Peace Art Paris Marais Ouest、パリ、フランス
- (2011)Peace Art 2011 green jam session WALL、名古屋市
- (2008)Funkey-Tonk Gallery Introart, 名古屋市
- (2022)Inside/Out Path Arts、東京都
- (2022)私たちはZOKUに食べられた プライベイト、東京都
- (2021)続 ゲンロン五反田アトリエ、東京都
- (2021)ZOKU ゲンロン五反田アトリエ、東京都
- (2020)ゲンロン新芸術校第6期生グループ展「雨の降る日は天気が悪いとは思わなかった●1点」ゲンロン反田アトリエ、東京都
- (2020)TPAC EXPO 2020 とよた大衆芸術センター, 豊田市
- (2019)HYBRID BUNKASAI II 旧豊田東高校, 豊田市
- (2019)としのこえとちのうた 旧豊田東高校, 豊田市
- (2019)大速攻展 水戸芸術館現代美術センター、水戸市
- (2019)Wind Shield Time あいちトリエンナーレ地域展開事業「Check in Counter Culture」とよた大衆芸術センター, 豊田市
- (2018)HYBRID BUNKASAI 旧豊田東高校, 豊田市
- (2014)GMAC Place de la Bastille、パリ、フランス
- (2012)EMONOGTARI Médiathèque Léo Ferré、マルクシ、フランス
- (2012)Mini Don Grand Don 3 Espace Cinko, パリ、フランス
- (2009)Tout est l’art Tout le monde Gallery Introart, 名古屋市
- (2009)白展 Gallery Introart, 名古屋市
- (2006、2007)k-ten 豊田市美術館、豊田市
- (2009)アリアンス・フランセーズ愛知フランス協会 マルチメディアコンクール初級部門優勝
Art Exhibition
On Zo E Ku-2021
Gallery Arukaburu, Tokyo, Japan
Phase change-2020
Sebaishi, Toyota, Japan
R base cafe, Nagoya, Japan
Peace art in Paris – 2012
Marais Ouest, Paris, France
Peace Art 2011 green jam session – 2011
Wall, Nagoya, Japan
Funkey tonk – 2008
Gallery Intro art, Nagoya, Japan
Teshia, Toyota, Japan
Path Arts, Tokyo
We were eaten by ZOKU-2022
Private, Tokyo
Genron Gotanda Atelier, Tokyo
Genron Gotanda Atelier, Tokyo
Meguro No Sanma-2021
RUSU, Tokyo
Genron Group-B-2020
Genron Gotanda Atelier, Tokyo
TPAC, Toyota
Hybrid Bunkasai 2- 2019
Toyota East High school, Toyota
Dai Sokko Ten-2019
Art Tower Mito, Ibaraki
Check in Counter Culture- 2019
TPAC, Toyota
Hybrid Bunkasai- 2018
Toyota East High school, Toyota
GMAC – 2014
Place de la Bastille, Paris, France
Emonogatari – 2012
Médiathèque Léo Ferré, Marcoussis , France
[Mini-don Grand-don #3] – 2012
Espace Cinko, Paris, France
Tout est l’art Tout le monde – 2009
Gallery Intro art, Nagoya, Japan
Shiro-ten(Group) – 2009
Gallery Intro art, Nagoya, Japan
k-ten (group) — 2006, 2007
Toyota Municipal Museum of Art, Toyota, Japan
NOMODOS – 2014,Reims, France